I thoroughly dislike ‘hot takes’ comparing programming languages based solely on a “feel” or differential familiarity (“I know this one better therefore it is better) so when I came across a blog post detailing a small learning project written in Gleam I wanted to understand what advantages and disadvantages that language brings to the problem. This post details a side-by-side comparison after rewriting the project in R with a goal of better understanding the approach on both sides.
[Read More]IPv4 Components in APL
At a recent APL-focussed Meetup someone posed a challenge to slice up the components of an IPv4 address with an APL language and it prompted me to learn a bit more about how that works in general and how I could do the processing in APL myself.
[Read More]Tidy DataFrames but not Tibbles
A while ago (2019 seems so long ago now) I started working on something I
thought was interesting but which never really got any traction. It has
potential once more, so it’s about time I wrote up what it does and why I think
it’s a useful idea. I’m going to talk about using the {dplyr} package on some
data with rows and columns, but we’re not talking about data.frame
s or
{charcuterie} - What if Strings Were Iterable in R?
I’ve been using a lot of programming languages recently and they all have their quirks, differentiating features, and unique qualities, but one thing most of them have is that they handle strings as a collection of characters. R doesn’t, it has a “character” type which is 0 or more characters, and that’s what we call a “string”, but what if it did have iterable strings?
[Read More]Let's Talk About the Weather
First, we'll need data!
A while ago I made some plots I really liked, but I never made a blog post about them. Then the data source stopped working and I couldn’t make them again. Now there’s a new data source, so it’s time for a post about some weather data!
[Read More]Constructing HTML with Functional Functions
I heard that learning Elm is a good way to approach learning Haskell, so I gave it a go and was surprised early on about an approach to writing abstracted HTML. In this post I compare the way that R and Elm generate HTML and the differences between their approaches.
[Read More]Digits Dilemma
Another day, another short riddle to be solved with several programming languages! This one is nice because solving it doesn’t need a lot of code, but it uses some interesting aspects of evaluation.
[Read More]Iterative Square Root
I saw a toot celebrating a short, clean implementation of a square root finding algorithm and wanted to dig a bit deeper into how it works, with a diversion into some APL.
[Read More]I Patched R to Solve an Exercism Problem
With a serious yak shaving deviation, I have a really short “cheat” solution to one of the featured Exercism problems. It’s been a really insightful journey getting to this point, and as always I’ve learned a lot along the way. The fact that I was able to understand the required changes and propose them is thanks to the open-source nature of programming languages.
[Read More]My First Julia Package - TriangulArt.jl
I’ve tried to get this same image transformation working at least three times now, but I can finally celebrate that it’s working! I’ve been (re-)learning Julia and I still love the language, so it was time to take my learning to the next level and actually build a package.
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